The Place

All we ever are is alone. And if we want to find our answers – we must go to that place within and keep journeying until we reach that place of silence. A place of stillness. It is there that everything lies. Past dreams and desires. Past wants and even needs. Past all worldly cravings. In emptying ourselves, and surrendering our very ego, we are able to become filled with pure energy. Pure light. It is of our own doing that we are not always at our fullest and highest potential. We are the ones, ironically, who block it out. Who block out the silence and embrace the confusing noise. The give up stillness for a whirlwind of fast-paced movement. And after a while….we start to forget…..who were we….who are we? Before all this? After all this? Who am I? Why am I? Questions like this will start to surface, beckoning remembrance. Something…anything to trigger the memory of no thought. A cornucopia…a wealth of knowledge that is of no mind. Because mind is the very thing that blocks it. The mind cannot know full truth at any moment because truth is not something that can be bound by time or anything that defines. The very process of trying to understand truth will only result in its fragmentation. Whole truth can only ever be experienced in that emptiness…..Nothingness. In silence. In non-duality. Because it is in that place that we can be anything and everything at once. But the moment we place a limit on it by trying to confine it with terms, definitions, labels, thoughts, anything involving the mind – it is no longer truth – just a fragment of it.

To be filled with truth – you must be emptied of half-truths.

To understand wholeness is to see the universe in a grain of sand. A tiny fragment.

To be truly happy – you must embrace and cherish the sorrows.

It’s all meaningful. It’s all divine.

Just be, and always be open to learning.